Light The Darkness Wilton, Connecticut Unhappy Halloween Wilton, Connecticut Pumpkin Face Weston, Connectiut Pumpkin Witch Rockport, Maine Last Halloween Hotchkiss Grove Branford, Ct Popeye Pumpkin Wilton, Connecticut Aftermath Austerlitz, New York The Berry Patch Stephentown, New York Pumpkin Seating Stephentown, New York Hick's Orchard Granville, New York Route 22 North Hillsdale, New York Smokey House Selection Danby, Vermont No Words Hadley, Massachusetts Tabletop Market Tinmouth, Vermont Leftovers Pittsford, Vermont Dark Pumpkins Rt 22 Stephentown, NY Table/Chair/Pumpkin Hotchkiss Grove Branford, Connecticut The Berry Patch Rt 22 Stephentown, NY Berry Patch Rt 22 Stephentown, NY The Berry Patch Rt 22 Stephentown, NY Pumpkin Angel Danby, Vermont The Berry Patch Rt 22 Stephentown, NY Just Ahead Rt 22 Millerton, New York Lucky Pumpkins Tinmouth, Vermont Scary Good Eastern Connecticut