Reaching For The Light Wilton, Conn. Pocketful Of Sunshine Tinmouth Pond, Vt First Flower/Coltsfoot Tinmouth Pond, Vt The Promise Tinmouth Pond, Vermont Fall Impressions Wilton, Connecticut Last Laugh/Turf Wars Brookfield, Conn. The Blue Bottle Wilton, Connecticut Purple Flowering Raspberry T Pond, Vt Bluebells At Schoolhouse Wilmington, NY Glorious Even In The Rain Granville, NY First Pioneers Wilton, Connecticut SMILE Rt 8 Washington, Massachusetts Bottle Gentian Rt 9 Keene to Concord, NH Marbelized Tinmouth Pond, Vermont Juxtaposition Wilton, Connecticut June at Bonny's Studio North Chittenden, Vt In Sissy's Garden Middletown Springs, Vt Red and Pink Tinmouth, Vermont Intensity Tinmouth Pond, Vermont Crabapple Danby, Vermont Purple Milkweed Pods Tinmouth Pond, Vt What Remains Tinmouth, Vermont Winter Kissed Shrewsbury, Vermont Redbud Brookgreen Murrell's Inlet, SC August Bouquet Danby, Vermont Hanging On Tinmouth Pond Vermont Hydrangea Tinmouth Pond, Vermont Quaker Ladies Rt 22 North Hillsdale, NY How's It Hangin' Manchester, Vermont Clematis Manchester, Vermont Ode To Etta Wilton, Connecticut Liz' Snowdrops Yarmouthport, Mass Leafing Out! Tinmouth Pond Vermont Wood Betony Tinmouth Pond Vermont Mother and Child Wilton, Connecticut Fallen Wilton, Connecticut Helga's Gift Wilton, Connecticut Jesse's Lilacs Wilton, Connecticut Leaves of Three Branford, Connecticut The Eyes Have It Bennington, Vermont Still Holding On Wilton, Connecticut Triumvirate Wilton, Connecticut Georgetown Rose Redding, Connecticut Golden Moment Tinmouth Pond Vermont Holding Tight Middletown Springs, Vermont The Line-Up Wilmington, New York It Used To Be Maria's House Wilton, Conn. Spring At "Fort Apache" Westport, Conn. Lush Lilacs Clarendon, Vermont Abbott's Mallows Danby, Vermont He Loves Me Rt 22 Canaan, New York Ross' Garden Wilton, Connecticut Front and Center Bennington, Vermont Fall Fern Tinmouth Pond, Vermont Grape Vine Tinmouth Pond, Vermont Frozen Fern Wilton, Connecticut The Back Bedroom Wilton, Connecticut Turtlehead at First VINS Woodstock, Vt Backlit Rt 22 Pawling, New York All That Remains Ridgefield, Connecticut